Front-End Development in the Cloud Resume Project

In this phase of my Cloud Resume Project, I ventured into building the front-end of my project, mastering various tools and techniques to create a polished web presence.

Crafting a Resume in HTML

My journey began with creating a digital resume. I opted for the simplicity and precision of HTML to structure my content exactly as desired, laying the foundation for future styling.

Styling with CSS

To elevate my resume’s visual appeal, I harnessed the power of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS enabled me to transform plain HTML content into an aesthetically pleasing document, effectively showcasing my skills and experience.

Hosting with S3, HTTPS, and DNS

With my resume ready, the next step was making it globally accessible. I hosted it as a static website on Amazon S3, ensuring secure delivery over HTTPS using Amazon CloudFront and configuring DNS for seamless access.

Configuring Route 53 and Routing Policies

To guarantee uninterrupted website access, I leveraged Amazon Route 53. This involved configuring routing policies and creating essential DNS records.

Addressing Name Server Issues

Managing name servers posed a challenge. I configured my domain with the correct name servers of the hosted zone to ensure precise domain resolution.

Enhanced Hosting with CloudFront

For heightened website performance and security, I implemented Amazon CloudFront. This content delivery network (CDN) acted as an intermediary, facilitating faster load times and enhanced security.

SSL Certificate from ACM

Security was paramount, so I fortified my website with an SSL certificate courtesy of AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). This crucial step provided encryption and instilled trustworthiness, enhancing visitor safety.

Designing with Hugo

To infuse a professional and polished aesthetic into my website, I turned to Hugo. This static site generator empowered me to craft a visually appealing and responsive website with ease.

GitHub and GitHub Actions for Deployment

Efficient deployment was achieved through GitHub and GitHub Actions, streamlining the process and enabling automation. I did encounter image display challenges during this phase.

Overcoming Image Display Challenges

To address image display issues, I implemented solutions like PaperMod and fine-tuned content and static paths on my Hugo HTML website. These adjustments ensured images were displayed correctly, enhancing the overall user experience.