Ansible and Dynamic Inventory

Objective: To implement Ansible for automated configuration management and orchestration. Using playbooks to carry tasks on the server and using dynamic inventory for efficient AWS EC2 management

Understanding Ansible and Dynamic Inventory

Ansible is an open-source tool that offers automation for application deployment, configuration management, and task orchestration. This tool employs a declarative language, characterizing system configurations through playbooks.

Dynamic Inventory empowers Ansible to obtain real-time data about the infrastructure, ensuring the most recent information is used when executing playbooks.

  1. Writing Playbooks: Define the tasks Ansible should carry out on the AWS EC2 instances. Tasks may vary from establishing software packages, configuring system settings, to deploying the Docker-contained NGINX web server.

  2. Running Playbooks: Upon executing the playbooks against the AWS EC2 instances, Ansible communicates with them, ensuring they match the configurations detailed in the playbooks.



With Ansible and Dynamic Inventory combined, an efficient and automated configuration management system is achieved. AWS EC2 instances are now appropriately set, ready for the subsequent phase: Automated Deployments with Jenkins Pipeline.